Sunday, May 17, 2009

Singing in the Rain

If there's one thing I've learned about Virginia, it's that it really does rain a lot in the Spring. One evening we had one of those warm Spring rains that came on suddenly, but this time there was no thunder so we let the kids stay out in the rain. Needless to say, they loved it and here are the pictures to prove it. Jared was actually jumping up and down in this picture.
Clarissa let her free spirit out as she sang and danced.

Krystal, ever the prudent one, decided that an umbrella was a better option, but that didn't stop her from getting all wet somehow.

Notice that I was taking the picture of Amber from up on the porch so that I wouldn't get wet myself. However, I did let loose a couple days later when at a friend's house for a bonfire it started to rain and I just stayed out to enjoy the rain for a while, until the thunder came.


Jo said...

I love spring rain, too bad we only get 1 or 2 :( Is it still spring there?

Vicki said...

I love to watch the kids when they dance in the rain. what a wonderful memory.

Orenda said...

Ian loves to dance in the rain! Ty even gets into it sometimes

iamjenn said...

The rain is fun to run around in.