Thursday, October 14, 2010

Back to School

Krystal is presenting her history report about the mummification process. Her project includes a "stone" sarcophagus, a "wooden" coffin, a "gold" coffin, the Barbie mummy she made, canopic jars with organs made from clay, and plenty of furniture, food, and jewels to last for Barbie in the afterlife.
Jared's presentation was about the Great Pyramid at Giza built during the reign of the Egyptian king Khufu also known as Cheops. Jared was interested in the architecture of the tunnels and chambers of the inside of the pyramid. He did a great job researching online and presenting what he learned.
Clarissa talked about the games and toys of the Ancient Egyptians. Chris helped her make the wooden horse with wooden wheels. She told everyone that two of the games the Egyptians used to play were leap frog and tug-of-war, which was followed by a tug-of-war game outside, boys against girls of course. Much to everyone's surprise, (and heavily debated afterward) the girls won. There were about 9 girls and 7 boys, but the boys were older and bigger. Those girls are tough.
To make learning how to count change fun, we played candy store and Clarissa was the store clerk.
Krystal's mummy during mummification process. These are the jewels and amulets that were put inside her wrappings.
After using math to make some homemade playdough, the girls learned or practiced new words by forming the words out of playdough and making a figure of what the word represented.
Amber started Preschool this year. She absolutely loves it. Preschool is taught by the mothers in the group, each of us trading off weeks. There are four other kids from church in her Preschool. So far they've learned All About Me and about Fall. Amber is learning to write her name and loves doing her schoolwork (workbooks that she picks out).


Jo said...

Very fun! Teresa loved studying all the egyptian stuff too. I'm so excited for Amber, pre-school fun. Nathan and I are having the best time. I love it when they want to learn and do so on their own. Good to see you back. I missed hearing about you guys. (Hey, how 'bout that family picture?)

Vicki said...

It's great to have you back in the blogging arena!