Saturday, October 22, 2011

Shoot Out

We read about Native American boys who have to pass a sort of right of passage test to achieve manhood as they reach a certain age. I guess for Jared you could say that age is 12 and that right of passage is that Mom finally let him shoot a real gun. Each year the guys at church get together and have a shoot out and now that Jared is 12 I just couldn't keep him from going. So, with Dad and his two grandfathers, he headed out to try his hand at several different weapons.

I would put more captions about each gun, but of course, I have no idea what they are.
Here is Grandpa Hansen shooting.
Grandpa Mattson looks on as Jared tries another gun. I think he had a lot of fun and his shoulder and arms were only sore for a few days after the experience.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Scary! But he looks like he knows what he's doing - it's the nerf practice