Wednesday, September 19, 2012


After waiting for over 2 months since getting our chickens, they have finally started laying.  The three eggs in the front are our first 3 eggs.  They are smaller than the large store bought ones and their yolks are darker, but they are yummy.  Funny thing though, when we sat down to eat the eggs for the first time for breakfast, Amber just sat there looking at hers and then said, "Ew."  We asked her what was wrong and she responded, "I just thought about where these came from."  So funny.


Sarah said...

Awesome! Livin the dream:) CHICKENS!!!! Our 22 chickens were a source of continual entertainment as homeschoolers. We made up a game called "Chicken on a stick" where you took a garden tool like a rake and tried to see how many chickens you could get to stand on it while holding it in the air. It was easier with little Banty chickens...but Harry did it with the big ones! I will need pictures if you try such a thing.

Jo said...

I'm with Amber, it would take some time for me to get used to the idea. Silly