For Family Home Evening a couple weeks ago we decided to veer away from our usual act-out-a-scripture-story and do something different. We were reading in the Book of Mormon about the Jaredites. This is their story in playdough.

At the Tower of Babel, the Brother of Jared and his family asked the Lord that their language not be mixed up, the Lord agreed and told them to go to a new land. They took with them their sheep and deseret, or beehives. The big purple things are Jared's version of a bee and beehive. We got a good laugh at them being bigger than the sheep.

The Jaredites then traveled through the wilderness led by the Lord in a cloud.

Next they camped by the sea while they built boats. This is Chris' version of a sea between two lands.

These are the eight boats they built and the sixteen white stones touched by the finger of the Lord to provide light for the boats on their journey. For treat we had smooth white cookies made with honey (see first picture).
Cute FHE lesson. I love it!
Good cookies YUM!
You always come up with the most creative ideas. I'm going to copy this one too.
I love how sweetly content Amber is with that huge plate of cookies in front of her.
I wish we lived closer, I could show you the ropes of cakes and you could share your crazy recipes with me :)
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