Saturday, March 13, 2010

Woof woof, Moo moo, Quack quack, Meow meow!

For weeks now, Clarissa had been planning her 8th birthday party. She won't be 8 until Thursday, but because of scheduling, we decided to have the party early. Finally, the day came! She wanted a Pet birthday party. I had a meeting in the morning so I got up early and decorated this cute doggy cake. The party wasn't until 3:00 and it just about killed Clarissa to have to wait that long, but finally - her friends arrived.
The first activity they did was to color Littlest Pet Shop coloring pages. It was fun to listen to their conversations as they sat still coloring.

While they colored, they had snacks like animals cookies, goldfish crackers, and gummy bears in these adorable little doggy dishes, which they took home with them.

My favorite part of the party is that Clarissa planned the games. She made this donkey for 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey' and her friends didn't even mind that she spelled Donkey "creatively."

The next game was animal charades. Can you tell what animal she's acting out?

Finally it was time for presents! Clarissa got several Littlest Pet Shop sets to add to her collection and some other fun gifts that she enjoyed.

Two more things that I loved about this day:
- 1 Clarissa had set aside an outfit for her party weeks ago and I just assumed that it would be one of her really pretty, flashy, girly outfits - but was much surprised when she came out wearing this old T-shirt. Of course, it has horses on it, what was I thinking?
- 2 When it was time to blow out the candles, Clarissa gingerly blew them the first time (on purpose) and then said to all her friends, "Come on everyone, let's all do it together!"
Where O where has my little eye gone, O where O where can it be? Chris asked Clarissa what part of the cake she wanted and she said the eye, so Chris cut it out of the center for her. Poor doggy!
Well, Clarissa said that it was the BEST birthday party she's ever had. I'm so glad that it met all her expectations. Now she can begin planning for next year.


Jo said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like a super fun party! We LOVE littlest pet shop. T is still collecting them.

Kat said...

Love the cake! So cute. Sounds like the whole party was a lot of fun.

Sarah said...

Awww, looks like fun! What a great Mom you are. Brings back memories for me. My mom always went all out for birthdays too.

Christi said...

Cute! And I love that you didn't make her pick a different shirt. You are SO GOOD!

Anonymous said...

looks like a great party
wish i could have come.
happy birthday clarissa