Monday, September 8, 2008

First full week of school

This week we are learning about: the letter A, Natural Law (see Principles of Freedom at left), Elizabethan and Shakespearean times, how to make applesauce, riding horses (Clarissa), playing the piano (Jared and Clarissa), our arms, doing math with acorns, reading "Sarah Bishop" and watching the daily habits of our garden spider. Oh, and anything else that comes up in the curious questions of inquiring children. I love learning!


Jo said...

Sounds like a great week!
(Are your apples ripe already? Does that mean it's fall? Because I could use some cooler weather)

Jen said...

It's fall in Virginia, hopefully it will be headed your way soon. Only the early apple varieties are ready (got some from my friend), mine won't be ready until October.

Scott and Stacy said...

You've been tagged. Go to my blog to see what you need to do.