Saturday, January 29, 2011

Closet Make-over

My New Year's Resolution had to do with getting some things around the house organized. The first place I tackled was the junk drawer in the kitchen. For less than $10 I bought several plastic bins and now everything has a spot. I love it. But, as you can see from these pictures, our closet was in need of a total make-over and it was going to cost more than $10. Handy husband to the rescue.
Chris designed (according to my specific instructions) and built custom fit shoe bins and clothing shelves for both his side and mine. Now, not only does everything have it's own place, but with added shelving, we have a lot more room.
Isn't it beautiful! And yes, it will stay this organized with the clothes in color order. That's one of those crazy things about me that I don't want to change.


Heather said...

YAY for closet organization and color coordination!!

Nicki said...

I can understand how excited you must feel! I was super jealous when I saw your shoe bins and shelf space for folded items.