Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentine's to Me!

The kitchen is my domain. Really, I love to be in my element, cooking in the kitchen. But, I have never liked the vines on the walls of my dining room and everyone who knows me knows that I do not like white walls. So, finally, after 4 years...I am getting my kitchen painted.
Step 1: Prime over the green vines and green paint under the chair rail. We did this one weekend.
Step 2: Cut in Toasted Coconut above the chair rail. This was my job.
Step 3: Roll Toasted Coconut onto walls, all the kids helped Chris with the rolling.
Step 4: Original hand-painted artwork on outlet and light covers done by the girls.
Step 5: Cutting in and rolling of Red Delicious below the chair rail. (To be done over two weekends as it took 8 coats!! of red to cover the primer.)
Voila! The kitchen/dining room of my dreams. Reminiscent of warmer days and many Mexican dinners of the past and many to come in the future.
This picture shows the colors as they really look, the red matches my Kitchen Aid perfectly, Thank you Chris for your many tireless hours of painting red on red on red. I love it!!


Jo said...

VERY nice! So cozy and so you!

Sarah said...