Monday, July 2, 2012

We Love the Moby

 One of the great things about having another baby is all the new stuff that is out there.  Our favorite item that we wish we would have had with the others is the Moby wrap.  Chris' sister bought us this baby carrier and it is wonderful.  Seth's tummy hurts him a lot and he has trouble sleeping during the day because his tummy pains wake him, but when he is held tight in the Moby, he sleeps, a baby.
 The first time I used the wrap was at Clarissa's last soccer game.
This is what he looked like in the wrap after a couple hours of me pulling weeds in the garden, he had slipped down, but was still comfy cozy.
 Jared and Clarissa even love to wear Seth in the Moby in the mornings so that I can get some housework done.

 Seth has slept in the Moby during several summer movies at the theater, through most of the weeks we've been to church, while visiting Jared at scout camp, and even while the kids played at the creek.
The one thing we are learning is that once we get him in the Moby, we are committed.  He will sleep in there for hours, but the minute we get him out, he wakes up. 

1 comment:

Jo said...

That's awesome! I had a carrier I used with Nathan for about 4 weeks straight, until he was too heavy for it. I'm glad you have something to keep him happy. Those pictures with the kids are so cute.