Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some pics to celebrate the Summer of '08

Chris got himself a hunting bow. It's a Hoyt. He plans to get a deer this Fall. Until then he's been enjoying practicing in the backyard.
This is our pet spider. He was in the same spot at the same time of year last year, we'll have to see how many years he returns. Jen enjoys trying to get a good picture of small creatures every now and then.
Amber's curls...ahhh.
This pumpkin plant just popped up from our compost one day. It is growing on our back porch. Krystal enjoys looking out the window each day to see how it's grown.

Clarissa's flowers. Clarissa planted and watered these flowers and has really enjoyed watching them grow into a beautiful plant.


Jo said...

That bow looks pretty...uh, scary and cool all at once. And YUCK! You should get a different pet.

The G-Funk! said...

I saw a show about how things are made and they did that bow! It was kind of amazing. Apparently, it is super fast and super easy to use. The hubby seems pretty hard-core if you ask me!