Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sweet Summer Moments

The kids are rescuing wild daisies from the hillside by our driveway before Chris weedeats. This was one of those moments that makes me love being a Mom.

Jared loves to build things, he has spent a lot of his free time this summer making many creative things (my favorite so far is his version of the Guttenburg printing press made out of legos, which I don't have a pic of). This is one of his roller coaster creations.

Daisies aren't the only thing needing to be rescued from the weedeater. Our neighbor found a nest of bunnies while weedeating and Chris brought them home to show the kids. We returned them to their nest after the yardwork was done and continued to check on them for a few days. The only way that we could get Clarissa to leave them alone was to let her keep one for a day. Eventually, they all went out into the world to find their fortune (a sad day for Clarissa).

I took this picture of Amber on the fourth of July before going to the pancake breakfast. Not to worry, she was only this cute for about five minutes. After which she pulled out her pig tails and spent the rest of the day looking like she had bedhead.


Jo said...

How fun! That roller coaster is very impressive.
I almost forgot I wasn't looking at a picture of Krystal. Very Cute!

Christi said...

Those are some cute kids you've got there. Wow! Were you two blond when you were little?