Monday, October 20, 2008

Well all ya'll, I've gone dun an' dun it!

I am pleased (I think) to announce that I have now reached the pinnacle of my culinary talents. It all began with the burnt toast I made as a teenager in California, later followed by frozen pizzas and burritos. This was honestly the extent of my cooking knowledge when I headed off to BYU to live in a "cooking" dormitory. My roomies will attest to being witness to my many experiments in that small kitchen, most of which included a can of cream of chicken soup and a sandwich maker. I am sad to say that while Chris and I were dating it was HIS homemade whole wheat brownies that wooed me, and not the other way around. After marriage I settled into the housewifely duties of cooking and really felt I'd done it all when I made my first apple pie from scratch (Chris remembers the mess it made in the oven from overflowing!). In Wisconsin, I furthered my endeavors with another type of pie - Pizza. Chris bought me a pizza stone for Christmas one year and I have been making pizzas from scratch every Friday night ever since. Maybe it was the Wisconsin cheese that encouraged that culinary delight, along with a nearly perfect cheese cake (that I have never been able to replicate in other states). In Texas, I was pleased to glean the knowledge from fellow El Pasoans for some ethnic dishes, namely beans and cheese. Even in Virginia, I can still make a mean pot of beans and some Queso that can pack on the pounds. Now that we are in "the South" (I know all my relatives from California believe that I live on the East Coast, but seeming as how I lived closer to salt water in California, Utah, and Texas - I'll stick with Virginia being the South), I have finally succumbed to a true southern delicacy. Yes, you guessed it - Fried Green Tomatoes, and their good! I'm afraid I'll have to stop there because I honestly have no desire to try Fried Possum or Squirrel soup.


Anonymous said...

Oh! Eeeewwww! I know, it probably tastes like chicken, right? Congrads on the culinary education! You are well rounded in the kitchen.

Jo said...

Okay, so it's a date. You fly out here and wow us with your fried green tomatoes(they sound yummy), pizza(we have good cheese too) and cheese cake(we don't care what it looks like). Thursday is good for us :)
Is it wierd to say I miss you guys, even though we've never(as moms) lived even remotely close to each other?

Heather said...

I resent that squirrel comment. Not only does that hit a little close to home (poor Aly) but I 've lived here all my life and I've never even seen one cooked. Furthermore my yankee husband's grandpa used to cook squirrel and rabbit. So :P

Jo said...

I want to see the camo cake. PLEASE!

HappyOrtons said...

Wow! That is awesome that you found our blog. Congratulations on the Culinary education. You have some beautiful family. Thanks to your blog now we can stay in touch with all of the Hansens as well. That's great!
keep in touch.

The G-Funk! said...

Sounds like your cooking skills have come a LONG way!!