Monday, January 5, 2009

Lazy Sun

So, New Year's Eve was fun. We began the evening watching Prince Caspian and the girls dropped off to sleep one by one. Jared stayed awake and played Monopoly with Chris and I while we listened to oldies on the radio and ate junk food. I know, in the words of my Chiropractor, "Nobody plays Monopoly anymore." We're just old-fashioned like that. We went to sleep around 1:30 and at 9am when Chris came in to wake me up I said, "I want to paint the house." You see, we've been in the house for over a year and the walls are still all white. Anyone who knows me, knows that I like color. That combined with the fact that Chris was going to be off work for the following three days meant that we just had to paint. So off we went to Lowe's to pick a paint color. This is the part where Chris becomes a genius. He has been listening to me complain about the cold and the lack of sun outside - so he has this bright idea to bring the sun inside. The color we pick - Lazy Sun. Our living room before, with all the furniture pushed to the center of the room.
We started in the hallway, which was scary because the color looks almost orange with the dim hallway lights. But the living room is a different story -

Voila! We love it! We love how it warms the room, brings all our decor together and is so clean looking.

We even painted the entry to the bathroom, aka. Diesel's room, a bright green and we love that too. Thanks to the kids for letting me have their Dad for two days and to Chris for finishing up when I ran out of steam.


Tracy said...

We spent new years playing monopoly too!

I looove the color, specially with the green, it's so pretty!

Amy said...

I want to see it in person. It looks great in the pics though. Great job!

Jo said...

Very Nice!

Nicki said...

I love the Lazy Susan yellow! It looks so warm and inviting. I can't wait to see it in person.

Heather said...

I know you added the clean comment just for me;)

Unknown said...

I looks soooo nice.

The G-Funk! said...

Painting is hard so I am impressed you got that much done in that short of a time period. Good work!