Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another crazy concoction that worked

When Chris came home tonight, it was t0 the smell of burnt brown rice. I mean, REALLY burnt rice. My plan of fish with rice and vegetables on the side thwarted, I set the burnt pan outside to smoke and set my creative juices flowing. I still had a little white rice (I was planning to mix the two rices), the fish and veggies so I decided to do a fish fried rice. First I put some olive oil in the pan and started frying the veggies (I used green beans and carrots, but anything would work). Before the veggies soaked up all the oil, I put the tilapia (our favorite fish)in the pan and fried both together until the fish started to flake. I sprinkled some seasoning (garlic salt and steak seasoning) over the fish, then doused it with lemon juice and a little balsamic vinegar. I mixed it all together, threw in the rice, then added some soy sauce. We topped the final product with some crunchy noodles and enjoyed the slightly lemony, flavorful meal, with only a hint of fishiness (a plus for the kids). Yes, the kids ate it and they didn't even know it was good for them!


Jo said...

You've come a long way since burnt toast. Sounds yummy, I want chinese now

Anonymous said...

Good job!!!