Monday, February 23, 2009

Who will help me grind the wheat?

"The Little Red Hen" has always been one of my favorite stories. Maybe it's because I've always been responsible and I've never believed in getting something for nothing, but whatever the reason - we had our own "Little Red Hen" day last Sunday. I've had a 50 lb. bag of wheat just sitting in the basement for food storage that I decided to do something with; so I borrowed my friend's wheat grinders (hand and electric) and set to the task of grinding wheat. No sooner than I had started, I found that Dog (Jared), Cat (Clarissa), and Duck (Krystal) where more than willing to try their hand at grinding wheat, literally, since we were using the hand grinder.

As you can see from the looks on their faces, it took some effort, but they stuck with it and in a short while we had enough wheat flour to start some bread.
Jared actually helped me measure out the ingredients for the bread and continued to grind while the bread rose.
Who will help me knead the bread?
As it turns out, only Dog stuck to the task long enough to help knead the bread.
But the whole family showed up when it was time to eat the bread. I made four loaves on Sunday and two more on Wednesday. Mmmmmm.


Jo said...

That sounds SO good. I LOVE homemade wheat bread. What a fun lesson too.

Nicki said...

I have a good bread recipe, but have always been scared to see if it will work with wheat. I use bread flour...

Jo said...

I absolutely LOVE what you did with your favorite books corner. It's awesome! How fun that must have been for everyone.

The G-Funk! said...

Excellent analogy!