Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chicks, Fawns, and Daddy

 Ever since we moved into our house 5 years ago, we have wanted to get chickens.  Finally that dream has become a reality this weekend.  These lovely ladies are 5 of our 6 pullets that will soon be egg laying hens.  We each have a chicken that we have named: The black one is Jared's, named Nero (Italian for black).  The White with black spots is Chris' chicken named Henrietta.  The brown one is Krystal's and her name is Bella.  The one in the back in white with beige spots and Clarissa named her Pearl.  The one with the gold head is Amber's that she named Gold.  Unfortunately, Gold met with disaster two days after we got the chickens when she flew out of the coop while our dog was loose and Diesel killed her.  So, we got Amber another chicken that looks just like Gold and this one she named Amber.  We hope that she survives better than Gold because I'm not looking forward to the kids running in frantically yelling, "Amber is dead, or Diesel killed Amber."  I know, call me crazy.
This is my chicken, Bianca the Brave.  Whenever she sees me coming, she always runs out to see what goodies I have brought for her; cantaloupe, bread, and corn are her favorites.  She also loves to eat the beetles in the yard and is the most brave as she will wander around by herself while the others flock together. 

 This is the chickens next to their coop, we have since built them a little pen and love going out in the morning and letting them out into the yard to eat bugs while we read the Little House in the Prairie books.  When they are all done eating bugs, they walk back into the pen and we close it up, then come back in the evening to put them in their coop.
One day I went out to check on the chickens and instead of being in the yard, they were in their pen, but there were these two fawn in the yard.
 This is how Chris started his Father's Day.  I can't think of a better way to celebrate being a Father.  Aren't they adorable?

 The kids made Chris a sign and this Father's Day hat to wear to his breakfast of Mountain Man Omelet.  We also spent the evening watching "Courageous," a movie about being a good Father, that was what Chris wanted to do for his Father's Day.  My favorite part of the day was finishing the movie and realizing that he is already the perfect Father and there are no regrets because he always makes the kids his priority and it might mean that there are some projects not done around the house, but we are happy family for it and there will be time for household projects when the kids are gone. 

1 comment:

Jo said...

Can't wait to come experience a few of your days ;) Nothing like here in CA