Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dance 'Till You Drop

Clarissa has been taking dance classes since 2006.  She took dance from a studio in Pulaski and then from one of the homeschool moms for a couple years.  In 2010, Clarissa and Krystal started dance at Music Comes to Town in Radford and took it there for two years.  This Fall, Krystal and Amber tried dance at Radford University, but in the winter all three girls switched to taking dance at Pulaski Dance Productions with Stacy Collins.  For the first time in 7 years, I am completely happy with the studio and teacher.  With three girls interested in dancing, I have been trying to find a place that wouldn't be too expensive or too time consuming, but would also provide a high quality dance experience for the girls.  I love the discipline and physical challenge that comes with ballet and the creative movement that comes with jazz.  The girls love moving to the music, mastering their routines and dressing up in sparkles!
Our three lovely ballerinas, ready to dance as lilac and blue fairies from Sleeping Beauty.
Clarissa and Krystal are in the Intermediate Class.

 Amber is in the Beginner 1 class.
 Krystal and her friend Delaney who is in the Beginner 2 class and was a pink fairy.
Clarissa is the oldest in her class and the other girls look to her to remember what comes next in their routine. 
 This was Amber's first time performing dance on a stage and she did a great job, she didn't seem nervous at all. 
 Amber's second dance was "We are Siamese" from Lady and the Tramp.  She was adorable and always remembered to shake her tail.

Clarissa and Krystal had two jazz numbers.  The first was Duel of the Fates from Star Wars and the second one was See You Again by Miley Cyrus.  I have watched these girls do ballet for years so I wasn't too surprised at their talent in ballet, but I was blown away by their style and talent in the two jazz numbers!  I had no idea they could dance like that.
We are so proud of these girls for working so hard and performing so beautifully.  They would often fall asleep on the way home from dance because they were so tired from practicing, but all the hard work paid off.  We love Miss Stacy, she is a beautiful and talented dancer and look forward to many more years of working with her.  I just love what she has done with these girls.


Have You Hurd!? said...

I love these pictures! Thanks Jen, the girls are an absolute joy to work with :)

Jo said...

Fun! They all look so cute in their tutu's

Anonymous said...

Fun. I love that Miley Cirus song to dance to.